More airlines should charge for carry-on luggage, allowing only 'personal items', and incentives to check bags.
BrUtAl StAnDoFf BeTwEeN AmAzOn DrIvEr AnD aTtAcK dOg, HoMiCiDaL cAt TrIeS tO oUtFlAnK, ChAoS eNsUeS.
ICE announces opening of detention center in Newark, its first under Trump
Newark Mayor Ras Baraka's response to the ICE detention center at Delaney Hall
Part 16 h- Worst thing Louis has done
Do you think louis and Lestat are really in love yes or no and why
I love going to the gym when it's crowded.
First time trying to make Cookies
Just here to remind you of Anok Yai as Akasha 😫❤️😍
What would the showrunners have to do for you to roll up like this?
Who else can lift it up?
Inspiration for his opening act on stage…
Lestat acting like he's never eaten before 😭
Dear Season 3, whatever you do... please do not hide this waist from us
Bella Hadid for Frankies Bikinis.
What sign?
Who is your favorite auxiliary member of the Théâtre des Vampires
Anyone else have trouble getting through The Trial?
Constantly Saying Everyone Is Beautiful Is Harmful
Top 5 dangerous signs??
I was shocked this was a new song when I heard the first line
My wife and I in 2005, she liked my personality.
Left vs. Right Battle Royale Open Thread
This scene was hilarious to me I couldn’t stop laughing seeing the look on Claudia and Louis face
What made Azazel such a good antagonist for s1 and s2?