Which kanye west song is this?
Idk why my grandma makes good cookies
what is this kid doing
how do you get rid of fears?
i like miners
Look how cracked my screen is
Who’s the strongest character in your camera roll?
While he’s not looking ahh move
Bro thought he could play Gayblin barrel
Dark Elixir Discussions: Whats your favourite deck, strategy, or card
Why does miners mine not have miner
who is this? (wrong answers only)
Can we agree that we will always make a new sub every single time one gets taken down
Luffy asks you to join his crew, your last emoji is your reaction.
Which character should be brought back
Who is stronger than Sun Wu Kong
Matt Rose here! AMA!
Which card should I level to 15 first?
Who is the superior fire user?
Best made up word
What country makes the best food?
What song do you want played at your funeral?
If you could live in any fictional world, where would it be and why?
What's your best synonym/saying for masturbation?
Deck help 2220 crowns