AITA for ditching my boyfriend at a restaurant on my birthday after he criticized my weight?
AM I Wrong for Wanting More from My Partner?
Just moved into a new apartment with mice
Just in time for a lemon spritz
I need nature mints added to the game yesterday 😭
Snapped this pic of the Washington Monument at the zoo
Woke up this morning and my clownfish was stuck in my fluval 13.5 filter
Where do you find new friends?
RIP my buddy
Yellow coris wrasse sinking and swimming weird
My urchin stole my 2 tone blennys favorite shell and has carried it 6 feet to the opposite side of thr tank
Im happy it ain’t cups :)
I just got a new 40 gallon? What should I stock with?
Clownfish swimming problem?
Wha… how.. how did he even squeeze in there. Help. Operation save dumb fish.
I found this guy extremely discounted at the store today. Are his gills diseased and how can I fix it?
This is Lars. He spends about 90% of his life panicking .
[Gen9] I’m still surprised I saw this
I'm playing my first-ever nuzlocke and...
I will be giving this away to one lucky Redditor.
FT Beast/Moon ball Froakies LF Lure/Dream/Love Froakie, Impidimp, Ralts and other Pokemon in Beastballs
[9] I Uchiha Itachi'd the MMO until I found the shiny!
Oh you have GOT to be kidding.
Uh oh
[gen 9] Shiny Psyduck, Need Help With Nicknames