I'm Ian Proulx, creator of Splitgate 2 and CEO of 1047 Games. Ask Me Anything!
Devs, please, make the asses phat
Game is awesome
Smooth tracking in Sliptgate 2
Any east coast devs online and want to tell me the game mode you’re playing?
Great game, need ranked
Finding the sweet spot
Restock the Fall drop?
6 weeks in my new apt. Downsizing from my home of 30 years. Slowly getting my MCM back on.
Looking for an intro story game
Ranked console only, cheating?
Now I remember why I stopped playing this game.
Games where you can kill Nazis
How good is this stick i found
How many eliminations on average is it taking you guys to get gold?
What’s your favorite PvE weapon/build?
what camo is this called??
Looking for a (preferably) online game where you grind to build your character, loot items, kill bosses, etc.
Games where you wander an empty world preferably one that feels sorta off
How do people get gold camos so quick? Tips?
How do i stop bottom-feeding in games?
Most Overrated Restaurants in D.C.
How do you immerse yourself in gaming as you get older?
If you use this skin, thank you.