Single family home with illegal basement rental
Living in 'legal' portion of illegal duplex
Living in 'legal' portion of illegal duplex?
Is one required to obey the moral advice of one's pastor over other priests even if the advice from both are sound?
What actually defines a sinful fetish?
Trusting a more liberal priest
Regarding state during the marital act
Do some past mistakes not have to be told to future spouse?
Should I use it or that in this case?
Why God allowed such darkness in His name (child neglect)?
As a mandated reporter, do you report decades-old child sex abuse?
Is one obligated by law to call the police on someone who has falsified documents?
Would a priest be obligated to report fraud to the police?
Is it really a "fetish" if you don't enjoy arousal?
Threw a temper tantrum at my hoarder parent and feel guilty
Threw a temper tantrum at my hoarder parent and don't recognize myself but I'm so tired of this
Ok to miss Mass today since getting over cold?
Does anyone else have a sort of second self in their head?
Is it bad that as a young adult woman I am addicted to teen boys?
Ok to continue receiving Communion in this circumstance?
Can water be blessed via the Internet?
Any faithful Catholics here willing to chat privately?
Anyone here willing to chat with me?