What to do if you are throwing up uncontrollably while shitting your pants in a public bathroom (real answers only) (immediate)
Which "The Unforgiven" is your favorite?
Kirby just swallowed you. What ability did he get??
Who wanna play?
What Metallica song instantly made you want to listen to more of them?
What would you name this plane?
(Specific) How to get your older brother out of the house for a few hours But make him think it was his idea?
What’s the weirdest nickname you’ve ever had or nickname someone else has?
Which one should I get?
What instantly ruins a sandwich?
Whats a song that makes you feel like this?
What song comes to mind when you see this image
If a time traveler from 1999 landed in 2025, what’s the weirdest thing you’d have to explain?
People of Reddit, What’s the worst thing to happen to you?
high effort meme title
Can we get Metallica for the Super Bowl 60 Halftime Show in San Francisco?
What song
I have writers block
He likes the box
What do you see in her eyes? Angry or Love?
My little goober Zeus (he’s pure cuteness)
Almost a year after owning this goober
Nah I ain’t risking it
When was the last time you cried, and why?