Kenny FC we got a positive series 🔥🔥
Optic players are showing fun vibes after winning map 2 in R11 of the Burger Bowl. Kenny had a crucial 1v1 that he luckily won after a bad YY'd
Kenny: “People becoming analysts…especially people who don’t even play the game”
Vegas should be relegated out of the league
Crumbl Cookie protest
Pickup basketball groups
Big appetite by @all_nobori
Orochimaru's CDL season so far (@GGBreakingPoint)
the fall off is crazy lol 😹
Which movie character or real person can be identified by a single line said by them?
TacRab’s T10 all time players in order
BrUTAl DOg chaRGed wiTH MUrDER AFteR FLAtTENinG FlAtTENInG child wIth DEaDLy weApon
Yea optic definitely getting a T12 this event Lmao
Ant was used by friends and then left behind.
The cutest class mate
38x Call of Duty champion dies to a guy using a recorder.
Stephen Aches Smith’s Thoughts during Major IV
Spart after subbing in for Gunless
Octane and Kenny when they can’t stay pad on bad teams
[Post Game Thread] The Brooklyn Nets (34-33) defeat the Philadelphia 76ers (40-25), 129 - 100
Quiet day at Café LeBlanc
Just a happy smiling dog.
what’s your guys favorite song off the persona 5 vanilla / royal sound track? this has to be one of mine
Every CDL teams 2021 season summed up in a SpongeBob clip
Doug’s thoughts on ATS