[R6TransferNews] C9 likely going with Kobe, Dream and Silent to complete the lineup
[Shopify] officially say goodbye to Gryxr. ITS HAPPENING
[MEGA-THREAD] ALL R6 Asia Pacific League (APL) Roster Leaks!!!
Who is the best player in each role in your opinion (and why if you want)
[R6TRANSFERNEWS1] Shopify Rebellion dropped Gryxr.
Who is the funniest Blue Jay of all time to have a jersey of?
R6 Leaks Recent Stuff
NAL Predictions/Opinions
Had a wonderful day today, so ima leak every single NA Roster Move in T1/T2 to reddit... Enjoy!!!
RUMOUR: Unwanted Players
[R6TRANSFERSNEWS] M80 wants Fabian
[DiasLucasBR] Cryptic post of old XSET roster. Spiritz to OXG?
Better Lower Bracket Run
Why don’t siege pros use attachment skins in stage?
It is no longer speculations, Dream confirms players on UW have received individual offers and he is still LFT.
[Hat on X] Seems that Hat was dropped.
NAL Rostermania Takeover
Unwanted X Cloud9 👀
What is the number where you’d say that’s too much for Vlad?
David Ortiz - "Vladimir Guerrero Jr worth $585M/13 years"
will i be able to sell this?
Do you guys think Robert roode is ever going to return to in ring wrestling with WWE or any other company?
If Vlad leaves, does it affect your fandom?
There’s no way W7M drop Dashow