Zusammenfassung der schlimmsten Schwurbler Aussagen meines Dads
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Anime OPs that gave you chills.
Trouble Connecting 3rd Party Controller
There are only four Paths left. So, what combination of Path and Type do you want for our beloved Raccoon?
Pünktlich zum Wochenende ☕️
The whole gang is up ‼️
This is the inside of my child's homework folder... Provided by the school. At what point has consumerism gone too far?
Welche Serien(nicht Filme) habt ihr schon mehrfach komplett durchgebinged oder habt es noch vor?
What’s your favorite male character and favorite female character? I’m going to make a pie chart!
What is your memorable moments while playing the game?
Me and my friend have been wanting to get the game, Is there an actual multiplayer?
Honkai: Star Rail Characters as DnD Classes Day 13. Who would fit best as an Artificer? Most Upvoted Wins.
The cola brand in Germany “fritz-kola” has a picture of a monster underneath the label and can only be discovered once you’ve drunken it
She'll come home someday
Choose wisely
The amount of monster my colleague has consumed since March.
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Die beiden einzigen Reihen, die ich momentan sammle
Very accurate song lyrics
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