When did you tell your parents ?
I hate refs sometimes so much
Husband choosing to not attend anatomy scan
Husband is shaming me for wanting a midwife and he's lost interest in my pregnancy now.
Am I wrong for wanting to be treated differently by my husband while pregnant?
16 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend came out as asexual
I’m due in three days and my dad still hasn’t gotten his Tdap vaccine. I’m so tired of this fight.
When did you start buying things and putting the nursery together?
When did your husband start helping you out?
My bf told me something I wasn’t ready for
Why do women in the US not have better maternity leave?
No bathrooms
How is your mother in law ?
PC should have ended up with Ralph
My brother has no respect for boundaries
Eating dogs is no worse than any other animals
He doesn't feel up to going to the gender appointment
What food or drink did you love before you became pregnant and now that you’re pregnant you get sick at the thought or look of it?
Why do they say everything causes autism for baby when pregnant?
Due to her diet and size, I am terrified something bad will happen to my wife during her pregnancy/birth
In what season (time of year) will your baby be born?
People just need to stfu
Will I grow a backbone when baby gets here?
Hating my body
When is your due date?