My opal Yao only sold for 360k did I get robbed
Salary cap players
Lineup suggestions? 2.2 mill
Show off your inevitable deluxe pack “rewards”
How do yall save so much MT?
Best card in the game every shooting badge on legend
51 With KD (They ain’t make adjustments)
New to my team I spent 50 on packs got nothing should I buy mt??
Line up advice. Looking for good point guard, got 300,000 MT
Whats this 2k! Dropping tomorrow!
Who should get what
Is pro pass worth it starting from literally no team or MT?
What are the rewards for salary cap this season for round 1?
Is PD Amen Thompson any good?
What are the odds this would happen?
Match Thread: Rockets vs Timberwolves Live Score | NBA | Feb 21, 2025
On ps4 what's the point of these challenges showing up when triple threat park is only on ps5?
What do you think about Donovan Mitchell? Is he HOF-caliber? Will fans remember him once he’s retired?
My Current Squad & My 97+ option pack what should I do
How long do you guys think it will take to sell 1,770 diamond shoes?
Too much badges😭
Who else would like to see more EVO Cards
2k has lied us once again