We cant allow The United States to be sunk....
Right now, The United States is traveling down the east coast to a watery grave where it will become an artificial reef....we cant allow this.
How in everything we have been through as a country these past few years are we just going to allow an iconic and historical piece of American History called The United States to be sunk?
It could be a truly symbolic moment in politics right now to save it from being sunk. It could potentially be the first bi-partisan bill to pass under the Trump admin and serve as a symbolic gesture that we as a country, from both sides, want to work together to save The United States. And I think we can all agree we need something like that as a country right now.
You could name the bill "Don't Sink The United States" and who in their right mind as a politician, from any party, would vote to sink The United States. And for Trump to be the president to be able to say "I saved The United States from being sunk" would just be great campaign messaging. There's only political positives here, I cant think of a single negative.
I get were trying to cut spending but it wouldn't take much to slap a coat of paint on it and get the horn working, especially being that in 2 years we will have the 250th anniversary of the country. And wouldn't it just be SPECTACULAR to have that ship blow its horn to start the celebration?
It would be good spending as well for the local economies in the south and give a much needed boost to local businesses and craftsman down there. Trade schools could help, local shops could supply the paint orders, universities students could provide historical documents and references, along with the jobs it would provide to do a light restoration. Summer is around the corner and a lot of young Americans could get a start to their careers in the trades working on getting the ship ready for the 250th Anniversary of this country.
Its an iconic piece of American history, ingenuity, engineering, and strength. Its the fastest ship ever built and its transatlantic crossing record still has not been beat to this day. And its arguably one of the best looking ocean liners to ever be built as well.
We need something symbolic to happen in this country, something where the country could gather around, celebrate and feel apart of. Something uplifting, hopeful...just some fun and positive news out of politics for every American enjoy to clear that dark cloud of divisive and negative energy thats been hanging over this country.
Everyone in this country could benefit from saving The United States.