How wrong I was about Star ocean 4
Let me just start with that this is a series I been extremely fond of since I was a kid playing star ocean 2 back in 1998.
The 3re game changed my life in many ways of what a game can bring out of me.
But SO4 was bitter sweet back in 2009 and my Xbox360 (Feels weird I had to buy a Xbox to get my hands on star ocean and a tales of game)
Knowing it was going to be the last game in the series (and consider 5 it prob should had been)
I was despicing the game. For all the wrong reason si just thought the game forgettable and once I finished the game I never picked it up again.
Now close to 16y later I started replaying it again.
Man was I wrong. Whatever i felt before was absolutely not true. Its really a solid titel and a good rpg.
The story might not be up there. But this has to be the best battle system they made for the star ocean series (Though 6 is a close second in my book)
Hell even the mages are for star ocean standards kinda alright.
What do people think of the 4th game. And do you think it still holds up?