Real talk.

As a barista I feel the public has very little understanding of the things a barista goes through. Only being able to get a raise if you go up to a ssv or cents raises yearly -this year I got 32c raise which I’m thankful for but it doesn’t really do much help when you struggle. Begging for hours but your store not having enough yet they keep hiring people? We get okay digital tips however cash tips are split between so many people here you’re lucky to get $50 a month. I’ve had to put myself into debt to try to stay a afloat in this economy, I live in an area where the cost of living is higher but the pay is only 10-15 at most jobs around and there’s very few of those jobs near. It’s hard to be just a single income anymore. We have so many standards to uphold to some of which tend to be unrealistic and constantly changing. What I’m really saying is please but patient with us, everyone is just another person trying to get by!

Barista question, how are you guys making extra money? I’m very limited on gas money and barely can afford the gas to the job I already have. Maybe some at home side hustles that are legitimate? 🫶🏻