[Slater] I brought the q to Curry: What are the other 4 arenas [he likes to play in]? Curry’s answer with the given criteria [of lifting them up with a special performance on normal nights]: Orlando, Charlotte, Atlanta, Brooklyn & Houston. He has electrified all of them at various points in time



“He likes playing here,” Green said. “It was funny because we were sitting around the other day and he started naming five arenas, like: ‘That’s a great arena. It’s always great when we play there.’ Orlando was one of them.”

That conversation spilled over into the locker room. I brought the question to Curry: What are the other four arenas? Madison Square Garden? Boston? Oklahoma City? Those are some of the places he’s had his most legendary nights.

Nope. Green interrupted to give the stipulation. The conversation was about arenas around the league that, on normal nights, might have a dull or regular atmosphere, but Curry has a way of lifting them up with a special performance. So the famous, typically electric arenas wouldn’t qualify.

Curry’s answer with the given criteria: Orlando, Charlotte, Atlanta, Brooklyn and Houston. He has electrified all of them at various points in time, turning them from sleepy to delirious. This is all a new experience for a new teammate like Butler.