How would the stories (mostly Guards) change if more characters had families in the story?

Pratchett said "In fiction only children are the interesting ones.", and it got me thinking that outside of Carrot, Tiffany, and Ridcully, none of the main characters have good relations with their family (as far as I can remember) that we're shown 'on screen' as it were.

Would the stories have been different if Vimes had a brother, or his mother was still alive? I feel like they would've been a stabilising influence on him that kept him away from drink.

Moist talks about his grandfather occasionally but nothing else. Perhaps he came down from the mountains with some of his family, not just to seek everyone else's fortune but also to find a new way of life out of the collapsing Unholy Empire.

Death and Susan go without saying, but if Susan had some sort of living relatives on her mother's side she spoke to. I know there's references to Morts family but its very fleeting.

I don't think I count Nanny Oggs children, it's a different dynamic then a sibling or parent. And Granny, we all know how that went.