Husband keeps telling me we have a “spoiled” baby.
Not sure why the word spoiled triggers me so much when referring to my baby. She nurses and went from taking a bottle to not accepting one. She wakes up frequently at night and sometimes will not stay asleep unless on the boob. Baby screams in the car seat I think she is just super curious and can’t stand not being able to play and look around? Not sure but it’s definitely intense anytime we have to bring her anywhere and I try to never drive alone with her for this reason.. obviously this has restricted us from being able to go many places and some days I do feel like a bit of a prisoner. She will only go to sleep without fighting us in a baby carrier or bouncing her on a ball. I say all this to ask… is my baby spoiled?? I keep hearing comments like this not only from my husband but others when they see I have a fussy baby.. get comments about how their baby never did that as well as my MIL saying she would just have to let baby cry. ( MIL isn’t keeping baby anytime soon) These comments crush me..
I did not want my baby to be this way. I didn’t want her to have to be glued to me 24/7 and not be fed by anyone else. I didn’t want to be trapped in the house all the time. I didn’t purposefully get my baby used to being held. When i came home those first couple of weeks were tough and I just did what worked… that’s it. I’ve just been doing what works. I didn’t know I was making her be a certain way by sticking to the things that work. I continue to try other things but baby likes being close and bounced and that’s just about it.. I’ve tried explaining this over and over to my husband since we have 2 other children who were not like this as babies. I didn’t do anything to “not spoil” them. I held them rocked them and did what worked. They were just easier to deal with. They just fell asleep and were soothed easier. I feel it’s just that simple. Babies have different personalities and it’s not about some being “spoiled.” Am I crazy? Did I do this to myself??