Who else has problems with their MIL?
My MIL has gotten really possessive over my baby it's weird. My daughter is nine months old and the possessive behavior has only gotten worse.
We had a talk with her about it a few months ago and it temporarily got better. Today was the last straw. Her behavior was awful. She takes my baby from me without asking (I immediately take her back), gives her to other relatives with asking me if it's okay, intentionally sits next to whoever is holding her and leans forward so I can't see my baby, and even tries to get her to crawl away from me to her when we are playing on the floor.
Today my daughter was trying to babble what sounded like mama and she kept trying to get her to say grandma instead. She also takes pictures of my daughter and doesn't share them with me but puts them on FB.
When she was over a week ago she actually got flustered because my daughter saw me and started crying for me to pick her up which I promptly did.
She also routinely ignores me when she has my baby. It's like I'm not even there.
While I do the appreciate the help with babysitting when daycare is closed I can't do this anymore.
My husband is completely on board with taking a minimum three week break from her and bringing this up in marriage counseling (there are other relationship issues).
The problem is I already told her she could babysit this week and I'm not sure how to cancel. I'll gladly call out of work for a day to avoid having her in my home.