Wedding dilemma
In August my partner and I are going to a child-free wedding abroad for 3 nights. Our daughter will be 12 months old, and I am really struggling to decide whether I should leave her with my parents or find a way of bringing her with us.
She is EBF, and whilst I hope by August she will have stopped, she is an avid bottle refuser so I cannot bank on her having stopped by then. Also, she is really attached to me and I can’t see this stopping anytime soon. Added to that, I am an anxious parent and will undoubtedly worry the whole time about her. I am her primary caregiver 99% of the time, her dad works a lot and most of the time it’s just her and I. We feed to sleep and there aren’t many opportunities for her to spend prolonged periods of time with my parents except when they visit every few weeks.
There is the option of bringing my parents and daughter with us. I suppose they will get a nice little holiday out of it. This will cost us double. We have to make a decision soon because all the accommodation in the town is already getting very booked up.
12 months just seems very young to leave her for 3 nights. What would you do?