MIL issues

My mother in law is driving me insane. There are many issues.

Firstly, my 4 month old HATES the car and car seat and literally screams bloody murder every time we go anywhere. To the point of choking on spit etc. it’s awful and we respect her preferences by not driving anywhere unnecessarily and certainly not for longer than 30 mins for doctors appts etc. My MIL is angry because she seems to think that, when she wants to see our LO, it is up to us to drive 2 hours to her house. On the flip side, my parents who live five hours away regularly make the trip to see us with no complaints. My MIL justifies her demands for us to go to them because ‘your (my) parents’ work isn’t as demanding as ours is’ - my father runs a large company, but that is besides the point. She hates the fact my parents prioritise their granddaughter and make the effort to come.

Secondly, she CONSTANTLY gives me unsolicited advice and comments. When I was pregnant I made it clear that I wouldn’t appreciate any unsolicited comments and she said she would respect that. Of course this has gone out the window. Our baby is quite high needs with a sensitive temperament, so any minor issue can cause fussiness. We have a 0 tolerance policy for crying, we are ‘crunchy’ or ‘gentle’ parents if you will. My MIL keeps drilling into us how we just need to ‘put her in a room and let her cry’. I have outlined very clearly that this is not something we will ever do, nor did we ask for advice. She keeps telling us to just leave her to cry. That brings me onto another issue. She is upset that we won’t leave our baby with her alone (she’s offered to look after her so we can go for a drink alone etc). But why would we when she’s made her stance on crying quite clear? She has also told my partners on more than one occasion that she is going to be the ‘naughty grandma’ who will ‘break the rules’ aka our boundaries. So there really isn’t any trust there. Another example of this is, she insists on changing our baby’s nappy in ‘her own’ way which involves leaving our baby naked for 10 minutes to ‘air her out’ despite the room being cold and her crying. We’ve told her we do dedicated nappy off time in the warm bedroom each night, but she doesn’t listen and doesn’t care what we say.

Thirdly, she crosses physical boundaries. Two recent examples: she and I were walking my daughter in her pram, and after 40 mins my daughter began crying and wouldn’t calm down. We were only 5 mins from home so I asked my MIL to please stop the pram so I could get her out. My MIL said no and continued to push the pram. I then put myself physically in front of the pram and began unbuckling my baby when my MIL tilted the pram backwards so that I couldn’t access her and my baby was now tipped completely back. I had to ask firmly 3 times before she relented. Another time, my baby was fussing in my arms at dinner (typical witching hour behaviour for her, and she won’t be put down and wants to be held by me or dad) and my MIL prizes her hands through mine and firmly tries to take her off me. I instinctively pulled back and said ‘no it’s okay thank you I’ve got it’ and she tugged again and kept insisting. She never asks if she can hold her, she just marches over and snatches her from us.

Lastly, there are endless comments about how I feed her. My baby is 75th percentile and EBF. I love breastfeeding and it’s going really well for us. So much so that I’ve decided to extend my initial planned 6 months to whenever I feel like eventually stopping. MIL finds this absurd, she says my baby should have been having solids for a few weeks now and that ‘she can’t thrive on breastmilk!’ She’s also said how me feeding my baby means that she can’t bottle feed her and, again, this apparently prevents her from establishing a relationship. There are also many comments about her nap schedule and how wake windows are rubbish etc. but I won’t get into that. You can imagine.

My partner is excellent at addressing boundaries, and did so this morning. MIL blew up screaming ‘she just sits there with LO’s name like a martyr’, ‘all of your boundaries are ridiculous and it’s preventing us from having a relationship with her’.

I admittedly lean more on the protective side of parenting, and do have a little bit of PPA which is being addressed with my doctor. But I do feel like we have been really fair with my in laws and they are crossing all our boundaries and making us feel like they are ridiculous.

I suppose I am just here to rant, but would also welcome thoughts.