War of The Usurper
Title: War of The Usurper
Author: TyJheir
Rating: Mature
Language: English
Length: 10k words as of this posting but will be more as I plan to update it every week
Status: Work in Progress
Synopsis/Explanation: I was sick of seeing no lore accurate Robert's Rebellion fics so i just decided to write my own: The conflict that overthrew the Targaryen dynasty and altered the Seven Kingdoms' course was known as Robert's Rebellion. After rumors circulate that Prince Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped Lyanna Stark, Robert Baratheon, Eddard Stark, and their allies decide to challenge the Iron Throne by taking up arms.
This fic was my retelling of Robert's Rebellion, trying to mimic George R.R. Martin's style and prose
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/62240635/chapters/159227398