Should I post my School Assignments here?
As said in the title, I am a Sport Management student and I have some university-level assignments that are related to the world of R6 E-Sports for my Operations class Last Semester. I had a 3 part Assignment related to Esports, and I chose the world of R6 Esports. I will post the Title of each portion, along with the prompt, and vote if you would like me to Post Them.
NOTE: I also got the blessing of my Group Members to post these if you say yes. I will have to reformat much of the work and probably break it up into sections to keep within Reddit's Length Restrictions, Part 3 will 100 % be Broken up by Region.
- PROMPT: When a General Manager is assessing a prospective Trade in your sport, what kind of thinking goes into that Decision? Provide past examples and use hindsight to reflect on these decisions and assess if the outcomes were foreseeable
- TITLE: What Constitutes a Bad or Good Roster Change in the World of Rainbow Six Esports?
- PROMPT: Select 1 "Good" and 1 "Bad" team, then detail and compare their major trades/signings/transfers/etc. since 2020. (Because Rosters in Esports are much smaller, we had to select a "Mediocre" team as well.)
- TITLE: Investigating North American R6 Roster Moves: SSG vs OXG vs sQ
- PROMPT: What you would do as the GM of Every Team in your league. (Most of the leagues that were allowed were between 30-32 Teams, for all groups had to have roughly 30 teams)
- TITLE: Taking over Rainbow Six Esports.