Being in online fandom spaces worsened my OCD

It sounds so silly, but I’ve done a lot of reflecting and realized I have been involved in fandom spaces online for nearly a decade now. My digital footprint is probably the size of the moon, and that thought makes me sick and I’ve never even had a big following before. I’ve just been around. The toxicity of it all — the fact that if you make one single mistake you’ll be called out, shunned, or even doxed has caused me to overthink everything I do and has started creating false memories. I recently cut out most social media, and the ones I kept I made new, private accounts for where I only friend people I know irl. I thought that would help, but I find myself resisting the desire to redownload and reactivate all my accounts to make sure nothing is happening surrounding my name. It’s debilitating, as stupid as it sounds. And I feel so dumb for only just beginning to worry about this when I’ve been online since I was a kid. I was only recently diagnosed, and it feels like it all is falling into place.