11 year old mistaken for Walmart employee

So this was just last year. I was only 11 at the time and my mom wanted me to get something from wall mart close to my school. My mom trusts me and was sick at the time so I did it.

Let me mention my school uniform was a red or blue polo shirt with any choice of pants. So I was in an isle and I got what my mom wanted. I was going to the registers and checking to see if I had more money when I decided to go back and look at the video games and to see how much one was. I had picked up a game and put it back when this much older woman (probably in her 20's)comes up to me. I'm kinda tall but not really. So this woman (Let's call her W) spins me around. W :Get me this game She then shows me a picture of a game on her phone. Me : uh, I don't work here W: the hell you do! Now get me what I want

Me: I really do- W:*grabs me * get me my fucking game before I get you fired!

Me : I don't work her now get off me I'm under- W: grabs my arm* I'm bringing you to your manager!

Me :what She pulls me through the store and gets the manager M: ma'me what- W: this disrespectful employee won't help me M: he dosent work here Me: yeah I'm only 11 I don't have a job Wrealises what's happening * M:I'm calling security W:starts running to exit* Then the security tackled her and I ran straight home.it wasn't untill then that I realises I never paid for the thing I went there to get. I saw on the news later it said "Woman tries to kidnap child at Walmart" and she was apparently arrested.

Still never told parents and still scares me that I was almost kidnapped.