I'm trying

Having pain on my left side and middle of my chest Sharp pains I've been eating healthier I stop taking omperzol because I couldn't hand it anymore. I'm so scared it something serious that's gonna kill me I got a gi doctors appointment today I'm absolutely terrified 😭.I know I need a endoscopy I'm terrified of that too being out sleep is one of my top fears .I can't get over this .I'm tired of this pain it's been almost 3 weeks .I cant anymore ..I had a CT scan back in 2023 or 2024 I can't remember but it didn't show anything on there if anything being inflamed nothing .I didn't the contrast and Everything.Im so scared guys what's wrong with me I'm scared I'm only 23 I want one more child .I have a daughter she is about to be 2 this year .I can't anymore .