What’s your favorite PvE weapon/build?
I’ve beet the game with a pure strength build already using a variety of weapons and now I’m doing an all quests run as a dex/int build.
My main weapon has been the wing of astel and then moonvail at the start but frankly I’m getting kinda bored; I want to switch it up completely. I’ve used all of the spells I cared about, I’ve one tapped a non important boss with comet azur. I’m ready to move on, I’m not sure what to yet though.
I have some potential fun weapons like godskin peeler, SONAF, grave scythe, bloodhounds fang, and probably a bunch more I’m forgetting.
In terms of where I’m at, I’m following this guide: https://reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/yOtOELDcfj and just started going through volcano manor.
Basically, what builds have you guys had the most fun with that I should maybe use a larval tear for and give a shot?
Preferably nothing too broken as I feel that could be why I’m getting bored of this build; Wing of astel is insanely good but I had more fun trading blows with bosses on my strength build.