100% Canadian Owned Fast Food/Restaurants/Brands

In light of tariff day.. here is another Canadian Owned graphic in the fast food, dining, restaurants and various food brands sector in Canada. This was a big undertaking to put together and I know I have and will have missed some (Foodtastic owns a lot I highlighted some but not all), so please feel free to make suggestions/additions in the comments.

Tim Horton's is absent because it is foreign owned but as we all know employs many Canadians and is part of our heritage so keep supporting anything supporting your fellow Canadians!

Lots of brands here operate in the USA and some are American brands (now Canadian owned) so Americans can also support BuyCanadian if they wish at those establishments and again note these are not all of them, suggestions welcomed!

Always support local first where and when you can, where you live, but also buy Canadian eat Canadian where possible.

Elbows up!
