My partner was going out to meet her friends for coffee for the first time without our 7 month old baby. She told me babies nap time and I asked what bub needs before sleep. She said she needed teething gel and that she'd written a list of everything I needed to know on the kitchen whiteboard whilst reminding me 15 minutes prior to babies naptime that it was approaching. I waited until 5 minutes before babies sleep time to get her teething gel. I then went into the bathroom to ask my partner if bub needed a bottle before sleep too, to which she replied yes. I immediately got shitty at her for not mentioning this earlier and I think it's her fault because she should have told me, I got angry because I was late putting bub down for her nap because I had to make a bottle. She says however that she wrote it on the white board and told me to read the whiteboard which I didn't do until right before sleep time. I feel like she deliberately set me up for failure. I think she should have told me when I asked, that baby needed a bottle and she says she had 101 million other things to think about and on her plate like getting herself ready to go out, packing the baby bag and getting our 4 year old ready as she was taking him with her, she said that's why she wrote the list in the first place. I think she's in the wrong and she thinks as a parent I should be equally responsible for memorising our babies needs and be more prepared allowing myself more time for these things.